Access to affordable quality healthcare remains a challenge in the areas we work. In addition, health-seeking behaviour is largely affected by the high levels of poverty, inadequate information and low levels of education. The Foundation works with the communities to raise awareness of specific areas that have a direct impact on preventable health problems. These include:
Maternal Health
Maternal Health and Nutrition Awareness creation.
Health Awareness
Awareness on health-seeking behaviour, nutrition through referrals, partnerships with MoH
Mental Health counselling
Mental Health counselling , psychosocial support and re-integration through partnerships
Free Medical Camp
The Foundation regularly holds free medical camps as well as financial support to the needy with life-threatening medical conditions, and linkages to experts and specialists.
500 benefiting from our maternal health and nutrition awareness creation program
500+ Members Trained
400 community members trained on promotive and preventive health seeking and services
100+ on Reintegration program
100 benefitted from our Mental Health counselling, psychosocial support and re-integration program
Aimed at empowering communities for quality life through education, agriculture, environment, climate change, WASH, health education, women empowerment, and youth empowerment programs and guided by core values of compassion, collaboration, accountability, and equity.