Water Purification
Access to potable water remains a significant challenge in Kenya. Our interventions in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) aim to address this issue through the following initiatives:
Water Filters and Treatment:
Supplied water filters and water treatment tablets to over 500 households.
Domestic Water Treatment and Hygiene Training:
Trained households on domestic water treatment, sanitation, and hygiene practices.
Biogas Conversion:
Supported households in converting pit latrines to biogas systems.
Trained individuals on the construction of bio-latrines.
Water Purification Equipment:
Provided water purification and treatment equipment and materials.
Institutional Support:
Trained and supported learning institutions in converting and constructing biogas pit latrines.
Assisted households in constructing hygienic, affordable ablution facilities such as improved pit latrines and bio-latrines.
Key Achievements in the Last Five Years:
Supplied over 500 households with water filters and treatment tablets.
Trained over 100 individuals on water sanitation and hygiene.
Supported the conversion and construction of biogas systems in over 20 schools.
Assisted over 200 households in constructing improved and bio-latrines.
Provision of water purification and treatment materials
Training on water sanitation and hygiene
Support for biogas conversion and bio-latrine construction
Significant outreach and impact in over 500 households and 20 schools